The themed, Christmas-centric, commercials (Santa proposing with diamonds, polar bear Santa treating the cubs to a Coke, Santa saving the day with a tampon [oh wait, I just made up that one up---apologies], etc.), the holiday decorations flooding the stores, and the smell of pumpkin, turkey, and pine in the air.
Let's take a minute to enjoy those things, shall we because I did not get to experience any of those---well, except the pine smell but that is the visual marker that a party is happening here and now so get your butt in here, stranger! But despite my pumpkin latte withdrawals and the lack of commercialism in my life, I have had a great holiday season.
Thanksgiving was surprisingly traditional with overeating, board games, and unbuttoning pants (and no, I'm not talking about that kind of unbuttoning). The day was filled with cooking, laughing, and making Guatemalans confused with our ability to eat and eat in a slightly competitive manner. I have never seen so many confused faces as ten or so of us PCVs would stuff our faces with turkey, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese then hurry off to the buffet table to snag another plate-full of food. Unlike us, the Guatemalan guests had half a plate of food and skipped the pumpkin pie desert! And to the wonderful American restaurant owner who took us, poor souls, in for the sacred holiday, thank you! Thanks for the space and the mouth watering stuffing! Why yes, Oliver, you may have some 'mo (If you fail to understand that reference, I officially disown you---joking)!
And speaking of 'mo, my holiday spirit wanted to crank this vacation into hyper mode, so it, and I, went up north for a little while---to Mexico! Seriously, Peace Corps Washington, if you're reading this: please create a volunteer exchange program in which I trade places with a volunteer in Mexico for a few days! I will love you forever. But let me step away from the groveling for a minute to just tell you that the places I visited (San Cristobal de las Casas, Puerto Escondido, Palenque to name a few) were beyond my wildest dreams. There was so much to do, so much to see and I was conveniently there during the celebration of La Virgen de la Guadalupe, the largest holiday in Mexico! Oh and if you are ever in San Cristobal, you have to eat at El Caldero, especialy if you are a huge Caldo fan like me! I am in love. San Cristobal de las Casas is now listed under one of the cities I would love to live in (right below London and Marseilles)! Who wants to go with me next?
Well, while many people aren't jumping to travel to Mexico nowadays, I was as happy as my thirteen year old self with a new Tiger Beat during the Christmas season because my lovely Mother and sister came to visit! We travelled, we bickered, we hung out with my lovely PCV/local friends and all in all, I hope they enjoyed their stay. I know it was a drastic transition from Los Angeles, but hope it wasn't too boring for them (though I can hear my sister reading this and giving a sarcastic retort).
P.S. If you still haven't checked it out, and have made a resolution that has to do with blogs/art/etc., check out AntiRetrograde today!
*Oh and seeing as how Hugh Hefner's 'romantic practices' have been leaked (pun intended) on the internet--- I feel no desire to actually be with such a man. Here's a few hints: kleenex, baby oil, and a lot of mimicking of a dead fish. Blegh!
HAPPY 2011! to you Linda, we MISS you, one more year...