Lessons of the Year

No, this is not another post about the New Year and how Suzie Q wants to go back to the gym and how Peter Parker is cutting back on the snarky comments for 2011. Nope. This is a post celebrating the fact that I have been in Guatemala for a mother flippin' year! And with that, I'll share some knowledge I've gained since deciding to drag two backpacks on an airplane and forget about the luxuries.

What I, Linda, have learned in a year of Peace Corps service in Guatemala:

  • Malaria, Going Deaf, Bleeding from the Inner Ear, and Gastrointestinal Amoebas are not just diseases/illnesses/afflictions you study in High School Biology: they happen.
  • A huge percentage of the towns/cities/municipalities/etc. are named after saints: Santa Apolonia, San Francisco La Union, San Andres Xecul, San Juan Comalapa
  • Holidays play a huge role in Guatemala---and despite the name, Mother's Day is a month of motherly love.
  • Know the bus drivers and have them know you. If the bus picks up a pervy, drunk or simply annoying drifter, the driver and the ayudante will have your back.
  • Sexism is everywhere---you have to learn how to defend yourself against it.
  • When it comes to your project, gain the trust of everyone you're working with by being approachable and honest. And it doesn't hurt to throw some humor into the mix.
  • Everyone, and yeah... I do mean everyone, will poop their pants during their service.
  • If an horchata (rice drink) tastes fishy, make your work partner/sitemate try it because if you know you're going to Diarrhea-ville, take them with you!
  • Make connections at your site, sometimes they can lend you a hand when you're in need.
  • Dating in a machista society? Yeah... no.
  • Your first aid/med kit will become your greatest ally.
  • Your emotions are cranked up---be honest with yourself about them and you will survive.
  • Do not miss 'snack hour' no matter the circumstances. This is prime 'connection building time'.
  • You don't need TV to survive, but if your internet is as slow as mine... stock up on DVDs for your laptop.
  • Your phone will FAIL 80% of the time.
  • If you're a woman, your community friend base will be made of girls younger than 18 and women older than 35.
  • Sing while you do your own laundry, by the time Party in the U.S.A. has been on repeat for an hour, you would have done a load.
  • Since you'll be behind on pop culture, you will have certain guilty pleasures (ex: Baby by J. Beiber or Party in the USA by M. Cyrus) because those songs will be used in all advertising attempts.
  • Advertising in Guatemala means blasting music across the whole town and announcing the 2 for 5Q chicken pieces at the local Chicken Little fried chicken stand.
  • Love your sitemate, they'll be there when you're most vulnerable.
And finally,
  • Although it's been a year, you will probably feel like you've only just arrived. Time flies, so enjoy it.
So Happy Freaking Bloody First Year to ME! I'm coming back soon America.

In other news, since there has been a Military Siege in the Department of Alta Verapaz due to Narco Trafficking (yeah, I won't really get into that because I'm still confused and partially afraid of what that means to Peace Corps as a whole), I have had the pleasure of hanging out with a fourth 'faux' sitemate: Whitney! Check her out (as well as Sara and I). We're all tired and halfway into PJs, but hope you appreciate the pictures I forced them to take!

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